I imagine I would be the same way - bullets flying every direction while I effortlessly dodge them, meanwhile I let off a couple of rounds into those rival gang members and make off with the stolen goods. Man, last night was awesome.
If anyone does their homework on me or McClane, it should be known your best bet is to shoot the shit around us instead of directly at us. The law or rogue gunmen do not concern nimble badasses like us - but a wayward pipe falling in my direction would scare the piss out of me. Hans and Karl had the right idea when they shot the glass around McClane, exploiting the man's only weakness. This weakened and battered McClane's precious feet, but lucky for him, those pesky terrorists were too busy celebrating their daft maneuver than to follow the blood trail and McClane's crippled body. Cunning strategy.
What was this post about again? Right, shooting the glass is a brilliant move in any type of hostile situation. I tried it once, and it was a great success. I totally kicked ass in my sand volleyball tournament.
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