Anyway, the lesson I took from this was that German guys don't bluff. One night I was playing cards with this German guy, and the asshole kept winning every hand. Know why? Because EVERYONE was scared to death. If he bet big, we figured that he had the cards to back up his outrageous bets - German guys don't bluff. Well, I decided to nut up and actually call him on a hand, and the freaking guy had a full house, aces over kings. I lost the deed to my
No real point to that story, except that Die Hard was right, yet again. I did have my revenge, though, when I defriended that German guy on Facebook and then told him this buddy of mine slept with his sister. He was real pissed and said he was going to kill the bastard. I laughed and thought he was bluffing. It turns out he wasn't bluffing, and now my friend is dead. Whoops.
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