Here's the thing. We all know that a little eye candy around the workplace will make the day go faster. A cute coworker in the cubicle next door will guarantee that you always bring your A game to the office, and as a result your performance will likely improve. But only your WORK performance. The day you start thinking with the man downstairs is the day you abandon any sense of right and wrong.
Take Harry Ellis. Crank snorting and bad jokes aside, he seems to be pretty good at his job. I mean I don't know anybody ELSE who negotiates million dollar deals for breakfast. But apparently that's not enough. He decides to spend any free time around the Nakatomi building by attempting to court his married, mildly attractive superior.
Coincidentally enough, MY office just had me complete a(nother) online course about business ethics. I know things are a little different out in LA, but here in THIS neck of the woods, personal gifts are never a good idea. Good thing, too, because I can't afford to pay for sex with fancy watches.
I'm not too ashamed to admit that I've dipped my pen in the company ink once or twice, and while it's never ended well, at least I never got shot in the face.